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Titanium Split Rings

Some of the most things in life come with keys. It could be to your home, your safe or your treasured bakkie – the point is, those keys are not something you want to lose.

So why are you trusting the free wire key-ring you got for free with the most valuable things in your life? We sure don’t know.

Rather put your faith in a titanium split ring, built tough to hang on to your keys that won’t bend, buckle or get old and and let your keys wonder off. It’s worth it. Trust us!


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Titanium Split Rings

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Built Tough - Like a Woodsman

Titanium Split Ring

Don’t risk your valuables.

Keys exist for a reason, to keep the things you value safe.

So don’t trust those same keys to cheap freebie wire keyrings. How much would it cost to lose one of your keys, even if you have a spare!

Don’t risk it. It’s that simple.

Trust something tough like you, a titanium split ring, made to stand the test of time.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 cm

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 cm